12/05/2023 Guides

4 Methods of Cannabis Consumption

4 Methods of Cannabis Consumption
In this article, we will explore the various ways of cannabis consumption, their effects, and their benefits and drawbacks.
10/05/2023 Guides

Greenhouse Cannabis: A Comprehensive Guide to Cultivation

Cannabis cultivation has evolved significantly over the years, with greenhouse cannabis production becoming an increasingly popular method
06/05/2023 Guides

Vertical cannabis cultivation – why it can be better than regular growing techniques?

cannabis plants in shelves under the light
Have you ever tried Vertical cannabis cultivation method? It is really good and you might find it very useful. You should try it.
04/05/2023 Guides

Making cannabis ointment: a comprehensive guide

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of making your own cannabis ointment at home, from selecting the right materials to the final steps of application.
03/05/2023 Guides

Preparing the perfect hemp coffee

In recent years, the popularity of hemp coffee has skyrocketed, and for good reason. This unique and delicious beverage combines the invigorating effects of coffee with the soothing, calming properties of hemp
02/05/2023 Guides

Hemp toothpaste is a natural and effective way to keep your teeth and gums healthy

Hemp oil has been found to have antimicrobial properties, which can help to reduce plaque and prevent tooth decay
29/04/2023 Guides

THC vs HHC what is the difference?

THC and HHC are two of the many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. While THC is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis, HHC is a relatively new cannabinoid that has been found to have potential therapeutic benefits.
28/04/2023 Guides

How to control pests and diseases in cannabis plants

How to control pests and diseases in cannabis plants
Pests and diseases are an extremely annoying problem when cultivating cannabis, let’s take a look at how to deal with them.
27/04/2023 Guides

7 Most Frequently Used Cannabis Training Techniques

Cannabis Training Techniques SOG Sea of green
In this article, we will explore some of the most common cannabis training techniques and provide specific instructions on how to implement them.
25/04/2023 Guides

Equipment for indoor cannabis cultivation: basics for beginners

Equipment for indoor cannabis cultivation: basics for beginners
Growing cannabis requires specific equipment to ensure the plants receive the necessary light, nutrients, and environment to thrive. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the equipment for indoor cannabis cultivation that you will need.
24/04/2023 Guides

Cannabis Mother Plants: 6 growing tips for mother plants and 4 tips for clonning

Cannabis Mother Plants: 6 growing tips for mother plants and 4 tips for clonning
If you want to have your own clones, you first need a healthy mother plant, here are some tips for growing mother plants.
23/04/2023 Guides

Tips for growing cannabis: 10 folk myths and growing tips

Tips for growing cannabis: 10 folk myths and growing tips
Growing cannabis is a complex process and there is always room for experimentation and learning. Try some of these folk tips for growing cannabis and see if they really work.
22/04/2023 Guides

Cannabis cultivation: EC values for each stages

Cannabis cultivation: EC values for each stages
EC levels are essential for cannabis cultivation. Deviations from appropriate EC levels can cause nutrient deficiencies or nutrient toxicity, resulting in a number of problems. Let’s see what the correct EC is.
21/04/2023 Guides

What causes poor PH and what is the optimal PH level at different stages of cultivation cannabis?

Optimal PH level at different stages of cannabis?
What causes poor PH in your cannabis plants and what is optimal PH level vary at different stages of cultivation?
20/04/2023 Guides

7 steps to start growing cannabis indoors in a closet

7 steps to start growing cannabis indoors in a closet
You have several options before you start growing indoors. You always have to plan well. One of the options for indoor growing is a cabinet. In this article we give you 7 principles you should follow.
16/04/2023 Guides

Cannabis seedlings: the best conditions and media

Cannabis seedlings : the best conditions and media
Cannabis seedlings requires specific conditions for healthy growth and development, especially during the early stages of its life cycle.
12/04/2023 Guides

Growing cannabis using the Sea of Green method

cannabis plants in shelves under the light
Cannabis cultivation is an art that requires knowledge, patience, and dedication. The Sea of Green (SOG) method is a popular technique used by growers to maximize the yield of their cannabis plants.
11/04/2023 Guides

Cannabis cake – delicious goodness

Hemp cake is a great option for those looking to incorporate more plant-based ingredients into their diet.
08/04/2023 Guides

5 types of media for the best cannabis cloning

5 types of media for the best cannabis cloning
Cannabis cloning is a popular method for propagating cannabis plants, and using the right media can make all the difference.
07/04/2023 Guides

How to use cannabis for anxiety?

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), one in 13 people worldwide suffers from an anxiety disorder, making it the most common mental disorder in the world. For those living with anxiety, finding a safe way to manage symptoms is challenging.
06/04/2023 Guides

Essential Cannabis Trimming techniques for your cannabis plants

Guy Trimming Cannabis Plant transparent
Each cannabis variety expresses its personality in a different way, so it is essential to choose the right Cannabis Trimming technique on a case-by-case basis.