20/10/2023 Guides

Hemp Clones vs. Seeds: A Comprehensive Comparison

Discover the pros and cons of hemp clones vs. seeds for successful cultivation. Learn about genetic diversity, growth speed, and the knowledge required to make the right choice for your hemp farming operation.
15/06/2023 Guides

Composting for Cannabis Cultivation. Aging of Organic Material

Composting and Aging of Organic Material for Cannabis Cultivation
Check out our guide to composting and aging organic material for growing cannabis.
13/06/2023 Guides

Homemade Biological Fertilizers Benefits

Let’s take a look at the benefits of homemade biological fertilizers and how they can be used to feed cannabis plants.
05/06/2023 Guides

Effect of Frost on Cannabis Cultivation

Frost is a meteorological event where a layer of ice forms on surfaces due to a drop in temperature below freezing point (0°C or 32°F).
10/03/2023 Guides

Cannabis terpenes – what they are and what they do?

abstract view of cannabis terpenes
Have you ever heard of cannabis terpenes? Do you know what these little resin glands do and what is their purpoes? We will tell you that.
04/03/2023 Guides

Molasses for cannabis – more than meets the eye.

Molasses has a long tradition among growers as a sufficient supplement for soil, flower weight and overall cannabis health.
16/02/2023 Guides

Alternaria in cannabis plants

Alternaria is a genus of fungi in the ascomycete family. Species of the genus Alternaria are known to be major plant cannabis pathogens
03/02/2023 Health

How do cannabinoids affect the immune system in our body ?

How do cannabinoids affect immune systems in our bodies ?
Let’s look at how cannabinoids affect the immune system in our body and what is the connection between them.
29/09/2022 Guides

Uses and types of circulation fans for your indoor

fans in the grow tent blowing on the marijuana plants
Every experienced cannabis grower knows that a fan is an important part of any grow room, and today we’ll show you how to choose one.
26/09/2022 Guides

UV light and cannabis plants

In this article we look at the importance of UV radiation in the cultivation of cannabis plants. What effect does this light have on plant development? and especially the production of cannabinoids and other compounds.
15/08/2022 Guides

Uses of Aloe Vera for Cannabis

aloe vera and marijuana plant
How to use Aloe Vera in cannabis cultivation
13/07/2022 Guides

Textile flowerpots: Why do growers prefer them?

Nukaseeds strains in fabric flowerpots
Textile flowerpots have been on the market for some time now and in today’s article you will read about their advantages for growing more than just cannabis.
30/06/2022 Guides

What nutrients do cannabis plants need?

fertilised cannabis plant
About the different micronutrients that are important for marijuana plants.
29/03/2022 Guides

Cannabis beneficial acids and how they work

acids benefit your cannabis plants
Fertilisers are not always a guarantee of a good harvest. Acids are also good for plants and today you will learn more about them.
01/09/2021 Health

Cannabis and the immune system – helpful or not?

cannabis and the immune system nuka seeds
Cannabis and the immune system can work together. So can cannabinoids like THC and CBD help us or not?